Welcome to the DEQ Open Data Portal

This page serves as a central location to access, obtain and preview all available DEQ data collected, managed and distributed by the agency with links to related supplemental fact sheets.

View the entire DEQ Data Catalog or select a specific category of data below to view datasets and their associated fact sheets.

Are you a developer, or would you like to integrate with our GIS Web Services directly? If so, click here to see our current REST service directory.

View the Above Datasets in DEQ's Interactive Web Mapping Tools

The datasets above are all available through interactive tools hosted and maintained by DEQ. 

Some of these utilities can be accessed by clicking the links below. 

Environmental Data Mapper
Environmental Data Mapper (EDM)
PREP Incident Lookup App
PREP Incident Lookup Tool

Contact Us

Mailing Address:                                   Street Address:

P.O. Box 1105                                       1111 East Main St. Suite 1400

Richmond, VA 23218                            Richmond, VA  23219

Call:                                                         Resources:

1-804-698-4000 (Main)                        DEQ Homepage

                                                                Open Data Portal

                                                                Esri Hub