Virginia Environmental Data Hub
Welcome to the Virginia Environmental Data Hub. This site is aimed at increasing public outreach, involvement and transparency while at the same time facilitating direct access to spatial and non-spatial environmental data of the Commonwealth of Virginia for citizens and stakeholders.
Use our public interactive web GIS tools to visualize, analyze and extract various data, or download the data to gain further insights.
View Our Featured Initiatives and Story Maps
The **Updated** Environmental Data Mapper
The Environmental Data Mapper (EDM), launched by DEQ in January 2021, is a modernized successor to DEQ's legacy public GIS mapping tool (VEGIS/WIMBY). As of October 2024, the EDM has been upgraded to utilize Esri's latest application-building platform, ArcGIS Experience Builder. This transition to a new JavaScript framework has enhanced both the appearance and functionality of the EDM. As DEQ's premier interactive geospatial mapping tool, the EDM is designed to provide citizens, stakeholders, permit holders, government agencies, and other interested parties with improved access, engagement, and visualization of DEQ's GIS datasets.
Statewide PFAS Sampling Dashboard
This dashboard presents Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) detection and concentrations without respect to screening thresholds or regulatory standards. The dashboard will be updated to reflect how sampling results relate to water quality criteria once they are developed by EPA and adopted by Virginia.
Middle Chickahominy PFAS Study StoryMap
This ArcGIS StoryMap details the collaborative effort of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Virginia Department of Health, and Henrico County to investigate the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the Middle Chickahominy River Watershed.
Virginia EJScreen+
Virginia DEQ is pleased to announce the release of the Virginia EJScreen+ mapping application. Virginia EJScreen+ was developed and released in an effort to increase access to and enhance awareness of Environmental Justice-related spatial data and information throughout the Commonwealth.
Virginia Brownfields Dashboard (Beta)
Brownfields are properties in which redevelopment or reuse is complicated by the presence of hazardous materials, pollution or contaminants. There are thousands of these sites across the Commonwealth, including over 100,000 acres of previously mined lands. To promote the reuse of these properties and to meet the market demand for investment, DEQ collaborated with the Virginia Department of Energy to centralize existing information in this unique brownfields dashboard. The dashboard is in early/Beta release and DEQ welcomes feedback from stakeholders and the community. For more information on brownfields in Virginia, please visit the DEQ Brownfields page.
Water Quality Success Stories of Virginia
Take a tour of water quality success stories that highlight partnerships between local, state, federal and private stakeholders in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Virginia Draft WIP III Story Map
The story map contains data used to help create the Virginia Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plan III. It was created as a tool for the public as well as other interested parties.
Current GIS initiatives and priorities at DEQ:
- Development and deployment of new and enhanced web mapping tools and utilities
- Enhanced GIS Open Data Portal for public data consumption and access
- Improved data quality and data governance standards
- Mobile data collection and data editing technology development
- Enhanced public outreach, transparency and access to geospatial data and resources.
Contact Us
Mailing Address: Street Address:
P.O. Box 1105 1111 East Main St. Suite 1400
Richmond, VA 23218 Richmond, VA 23219
Call: Resources:
1-804-698-4000 (Main) DEQ Homepage